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Stress relief supplements: What actually works?

Stress relief supplements are being sought after now more than ever. But with all the information out there what is actually effective and what works? Is it a once size fits all or is it better to tailor a more specific program to your individual needs?

Stress effects almost everyone. If you haven’t experienced stress then you would be lying. Stress is a good thing for our bodies not just bad. When you run a marathon or are giving a speech you want stress to help ramp up your bodies ability to perform under those circumstances. The problem arises when it doesn’t get shut off. It should go back to normal response after those events. However we as humans can freely think about and analyze events and circumstances. This stress response never gets shut off and our stress hormones are elevated beyond our bodies ability to handle that stress.

When this happens for long periods of time (months or years) we eventually reap those years of sowing stress hormones throughout our bodies. Weird symptoms occur that we once never had. It can be a part of aging but more probable is that our stress response is constantly trying to right itself.

But the question still remains. What do you do about it? Supplements are there for your benefit when used correctly. Blinding throwing supplements your way is not the right thing to combat physiological stress on your body. That is why testing the stress hormones is crucial to your recovery from stress. Complete hormone + DHEA saliva test will help to determine what stress has been doing to your body and what stage of stress you are in. Based on that these supplements will help to restore normal stress response in your body and you will start to feel better.

1. Ashwagandha

This herb is a powerhouse for normalizing chronic physiological stress on the body. There are many studies done that you can look into that show how it can normalize cortisol levels. It is an adaptogen herb which helps the body adapt to the stressors out on it.

2. L-theanine

This compound is found in green tea in low levels. This helps to calm the mind and body down quickly to help combat the mental perceivable stress that you notice day-in-day-out.

3. 5-htp

This supplement is the precursor to serotonin and melatonin in the brain. Taking this supplement helps to balance out serotonin levels and it helps you to sleep when used in certain doses.

These 3 are part of the bigger plan to help you decrease the effects of stress on your body. It is always a good thing to consult with your natural healthcare provider to see if it is right for you. You can check out our SOS stress recovery program here. This program helps you to identify key stressors and help you to get back to feeling normal!