What are EMF's?

What are EMF’s and are they harmful to you?

EMF’s are short for electromagnetic frequencies. Fancy, I know. What EMF’s basically are, are specific frequencies that are used to communicate between wireless devices. We are surrounded by these frequencies. Our cell phones emit them, microwaves, cell towers, WIFI routers. You name it, if it’s electronic it emits some form of EMF. It is how these devices work.

Where it goes wrong is that our bodies are not adapted enough to these frequencies to handle so we start to experience multiple different symptoms and sensitivities. I myself am one of those individuals.

Now don’t get me wrong we have wonderful technology that allows us to speed up communication in amazing ways, but are we ignoring it to the point where society is getting sicker and sicker?

The studies are very mixed on this subject. Some say it is a threat and others don’t. Anecdotally I know that when I am around a lot of frequencies at once my body reacts in a bad way. There are others who are so sensitive to these frequencies that they move to EMF (mostly) free zones in the U.S. and other countries. Some countries in the EU have done extensive research and they do not allow certain technologies that emit higher amounts of EMF’s, such as smart utility meters. Here is a link showing some countries are looking into the harmful effects of all these technologies.

Whether you agree with these statements or not there are very real people with these issues. Are they not worth helping? If life is so important why not hear there stories and help them? The U.S. and western medicine has done a lackluster job of looking into this and refuses to acknowledge what physics has shown to be true. Here is a great site that links to many studies showing the effects either positive or negative of EMF’s.

The point is to do your research as the signs and symptoms of too much EMF’s over the long term are very common such as headache, fatigue, tinnitus, heart palpitations, poor sleep patterns, and more.

What are the harmful effects of EMF’s?

In our next blog post we will discuss the harmful effects and what to look for if you think you might be sensitive. The main problem with EMF’s is that it is everywhere and only a small amount of people are concerned with the effects of these frequencies. With tech getting more advanced and faster we are going to see more and more of EMF pollution. Protection of yourself and your family are must.

As always happy healing!


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