Signs you have leaky gut

Intestinal hyperpermeability or better known as leaky gut, is a collection of symptoms that arHave you experienced health issues that seem to be unrelated and every test comes back normal? You experience everything from skin rashes to bloating to joint pain and nothing helps? You might have what is called “leaky gut”. This is a word to describe what is called intestinal hyperpermeability. Basically it means that your gut lining the main barrier from your inside world to the outside world, is more permeable than it should be.

This can lead to all sorts of symptoms. Check our your symptoms with the ones we are discussing below to see if you might have leaky gut syndrome.

  1. Bloating

    Bloating can be associated with many different things but it is a very common thing with leaky gut. Any type of bloating or indigestion can be a sign you have leaky gut.

  2. Skin problems

    Have you ever had a rash after eating something or for no apparent reason. This along with gastrointestinal complaints are very common in leaky gut syndrome.

  3. Brain fog

    This is one sign I had often when dealing with leaky gut syndrome. It is no fun because you feel like you are running on auto-pilot and then crash. It becomes a cycle that never seems to end.

  4. Cravings for carbs or sugar

    You might not think that you have cravings for carbohydrates or sugar but if you find yourself eating snacks more often, then take a look at what you are eating. It may be laden with hidden carbs or sugars. This is one sign that keeps leaky gut continuing on and hurting the gut lining.

  5. Excessive fatigue

    Chronic fatigue syndrome has been linked to leaky gut syndrome. So if you find yourself having little or no energy to do the things you once could it could be leaky gut syndrome.

  6. Joint pain

    This one is something you wouldn’t think of but when you have leaky gut your body goes into an autoimmune type of condition where it attacks your joints. This is one that really hit me hard as I work with my hands often.

You can test to see if you suffer from this syndrome and you can learn how to treat it here.


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