Avad Chiropractic & Wellness

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How can I test for food intolerances?

Many people have a love hate relationship with food. On one hand we have to eat to sustain life. On the other the food supply that we currently have is making us sick. It is a catch 22 where we have to eat but it is causing so much suffering.

Even healthy things can make us form a reactive response in our bodies that cause inflammation. This chronic underlying inflammation leads to many common symptoms such as fatigue, pain, brain fogginess. These symptoms are common to many disorders so it is hard to differentiate if this is a disease or we are just tired and sore.

This can be dangerous because we slough it off as this and keep pressing forward when we need to step back and think this over logically. It could be that we are tired but it could be this slow underlying inflammatory reaction.

In my own life I just thought I was stressed and needed to relax. However it was things that I was intaking that was making me sick.

This leads us to testing. I always believe it is better to test than guess when it comes to our health. Food intolerance testing is a great way to see what our bodies are reacting to. Again I stress that an intolerance is different in that we might not know what is going on because it is so subtle in the symptoms.

By testing you know what might be causing your dysfunction in the body systems and can begin the journey to heal your body. Here is more information on how we do food intolerance testing.