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How to help your body heal from old injuries

Healing takes time. Everyone is different with different genetics and things that they have been exposed to which hinders or helps the body heal. While this article is not going to go in depth into how the body heals it is important to lay some groundwork on how we heal. Science and technology have allowed us to create therapies that dramatically help your body to heal from injuries and to be in better health.

Our bodies were designed with an innate capability to heal. Example of this happening is when you get a cut. Your body has the genetic instructions to help clot and seal the wound so that you don’t bleed out. It is a lot more complex than that but it works almost every time. Diseases can hinder this ability as well as medications.

When we get an injury say to the low back and we experience pain. There are substances that create irritation to the nerves which stimulate your brain to let you know it is painful. Again more complex than that but it’s an idea of what happens. Your immune system and blood carry nutrients to the site of injury to heal that injury or illness. So why do some experience a major illness that never goes away or injury that keeps coming back to haunt them?

It works almost 100% of the time but when it doesn’t things can go wrong. We make sure to have a multi approach to helping your body heal with proven benefits. Below is how we do this approach.

  1. Nutrition

    Make sure you are getting the right nutrition. This is number one because what we feed our bodies is what is used to repair. If we are putting junk in then junk will help to repair our bodies. Getting proper nutrition is a must. Carbohydrates, fats and proteins are a must. Getting more protein when injured is great because proteins are the building blocks of tissue. Collagen fibers are created when there is enough vitamin C so make sure you are getting enough of that. I recommend 1000mg a day during injury. Your body needs more when injured.

  2. Sleep

    Sleep is essential for your body to heal. If you are not getting enough sleep it can even affect your ability to function normal. getting 7-8 hours of sleep is critical as this allows your body to reset from the previous day and it can focus on healing the damaged area.

  3. Movement

    Movement actually helps to pump fluid in your body. The more you move the more the fluid moves around. This means especially for joints it is crucial. If the joint is swollen, ice for 2 days is critical. But after that then get moving because it helps to restore motion and fluid balance in the joint.

  4. PEMF

    Pulsed electromagnetic frequency has been proven to speed up healing in damaged tissue. Our bodies have a frequency that it resonates at constantly. Everyone has a different frequency. When this gets distorted we get disease. This type of therapy helps to reset that frequency and balance out your body. An easy way to think about this is an out of tune guitar. It plays but you can tell something is off. Same thing with our bodies. If we are out of tune then we may be able to live but we won’t feel good at all.

  5. High Voltage current therapy

    Nikola Tesla’s inventions utilized this type of therapy. It is similar to the PEMF in that you are exposed to frequencies that helps to reset your bodies ability to do what it normally would do. In this case it is a high voltage current. It is not harmful to your skin or body and has many benefits that include easing chronic pain and inflammation. When used to treat injuries it can speed up healing by increasing blood flow to the area bringing rich nutrients to help your injury heal.