Avad Chiropractic & Wellness

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3 best stretches for sciatica pain

One of the most common types of pain is pain down the leg or sciatic pain. It affects many different populations and can even be debilitating at times. Treatment options for this type of pain differ but what seems to be most effective is a pro active approach to this type of pain.

Sciatic pain can have many different causes. The sciatic nerve is formed from the nerves of your lumbar spine and sacral nerves. See diagram below.

Sciatic nerve formation

Knowing the anatomy of the nerve can help to discover what is the cause of your sciatic pain. Anywhere along the path of the nerve there can be impingement or dysfunction causing pain down the back of the leg or buttock area. It is the largest nerve in terms of diameter so it is easy to have impingement.

We will go over 3 stretches that you can do that targets different regions where the sciatic nerve travels. As always pro active approach involves more than stretching. Finding a good chiropractor near you or a physical therapist can help to diagnosis and form the best possible resolution of your pain.

Do these stretches 3 times a day. 3 sets of holds for 15 seconds.

Reclining Pigeon Pose

Sciatic Stretch

We have found this one to be one of the most beneficial for sciatic pain. It really stretches the piriformis muscle that is the most common impingement of the sciatic nerve.

Sitting Spinal Stretch

Low back stretch

This stretch is great for low back pain as well. What this stretch helps to do is elongate the muscles that run along your spine thus decreasing tension along the spine where the nerves originate from.

Standing Hamstring Stretch

Hamstring Stretch

This stretch targets the whole path of the sciatic nerve. This will stretch down the back of the leg and can greatly affect the sciatic nerve pathway.

Do these for a week everyday and monitor your pain levels. When stretching don’t overdo it. Gently stretch. If your pain persists then definitely get to a competent chiropractor or physical therapist to better diagnosis and treat your sciatic pain.