Chiropractor treatment for spinal stenosis

Chiropractic can treat a variety of musculoskeletal disorders which includes a lot of pain related complaints. One of those can be low back pain. This is one of the most disabling conditions that we see in the United States. There are many different causes of low back pain. This post will focus on spinal stenosis.

Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal due to spinal injuries that you may have not known you had. Most commonly caused by disc herniations, or overgrowth of bones. This is all according to Mayo Clinic. The most common symptoms are pain, numbness or weakness in the legs and tingling into the legs.

Chiropractic’s role in this condition can help tremendously if done properly. Traditional chiropractic adjustments can aggravate the spinal canal causing an increase in symptoms. It is imperative that you find a chiropractor with knowledge to diagnosis and treat these conditions properly.

A chiropractor well versed in orthopedic testing and diagnosis is a great place to start. Knowing is half the battle of what is actually going on.

The best chiropractic treatment of this is decompression or a technique called flexion-distraction therapy. This type of adjusting or therapy helps to open up the foramen of the spine to help get pressure off the nerves. This helps with symptoms and to help the spine heal.

In summary seek out chiropractic care that will help to diagnosis properly the condition and who is knowledgeable in proper treatment. These two factors are crucial in helping your body heal properly without the need for surgery!


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