Avad Chiropractic & Wellness

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Squat Assessment: A Key to Diagnosing and Managing Low Back Pain in Athletes

Low back pain (LBP) is an ailment that plagues many, yet athletes are particularly vulnerable due to their high levels of physical activity and the demands placed on their bodies. For movement specialists and chiropractors, understanding the nuances of such pain is crucial in providing effective treatment. In Goshen and surrounding areas, specialists are turning to innovative tools like RockTape's movement screen to pinpoint the root causes of low back discomfort. This blog post delves into how a structured squat assessment can aid in diagnosing and managing low back pain, ultimately helping athletes return to their peak performance levels.

Understanding Low Back Pain in Athletes

Low back pain is one of the most common complaints among athletes, arising from various factors such as overuse, acute injury, or the presence of mechanical imbalances. The repetitive nature of sports activities can exacerbate underlying issues, leading to chronic discomfort and, if unaddressed, long-term damage.

Prevalence and Causes

Low back pain affects athletes across all sports but is particularly prevalent in disciplines that involve twisting motions, heavy lifting, or repetitive impact, such as gymnastics, weightlifting, and rowing. Common causes include:

  • Muscle Strain and Ligament Sprain: These are often due to sudden, sharp movements or improper lifting techniques.

  • Disc Injury: Activities that place significant stress on the spine can lead to disc herniations or bulges.

  • Mechanical Imbalances and Poor Posture: Imbalances in muscle strength and flexibility can lead to poor posture, both in and out of the sports environment, contributing to pain.

  • Brain modulation and coordination: If your body cannot sense a part of the body as well it leads to poor coordination of that tissue which can lead to injury or loss of performance.

Impact on Performance

The implications of low back pain extend beyond physical discomfort, affecting an athlete's ability to perform:

  • Reduced Mobility: Pain can limit range of motion, crucial in almost every sport.

  • Impaired Strength: Core instability often accompanies low back pain, weakening an athlete's foundational strength.

  • Altered Biomechanics: To avoid pain, athletes might change their technique, which can lead to other injuries or decreased effectiveness.

The Role of Movement Specialists

Chiropractors specializing in sports medicine are particularly well-equipped to handle the challenges presented by low back pain in athletes. Their expertise in the musculoskeletal system enables them to assess, diagnose, and treat injuries effectively.

Expertise of Chiropractors in Goshen

In Goshen, chiropractors trained in sports medicine, such as Dr. Kauffman at Avad, offer a comprehensive approach to treating low back pain. They combine manual therapy with advanced movement assessments to create personalized treatment plans that address both symptoms and root causes.

Movement Assessment Tools

One of the key tools in a sports chiropractor’s arsenal is RockTape's movement screen. This tool not only helps in identifying areas of restriction and imbalance but also provides insights into the kinetic chain, offering a holistic view of an athlete's movement patterns. Dr. Kauffman utilizes observational skills that he has been trained in as well as posturescreen and squat screen app. This app takes video and pictures of how well you are moving to be diagnose and analyze what may be causing the movement dysfunction and pain pattern.

The Squat Assessment Explained

A squat is a fundamental movement that reveals a lot about an athlete's body biomechanics and core stability, making it an essential part of any movement specialist’s assessment toolkit. Little nuances in the ability to perform a squat can reveal if your dysfunction is related to brain, core or mechanical issue that needs addressed. Dr. Kauffman will be able to assess and see the progression of what needs to happen for your specific case.

Purpose of the Squat Assessment

The squat assessment helps identify dysfunctional movement patterns that may contribute to low back pain. By observing an athlete's squat technique, specialists can detect imbalances, restrictions, and asymmetries in the muscles and joints.

Steps of the Assessment

During a squat assessment, the specialist looks for several key indicators:

  • Depth of the Squat: Indicates hip and ankle mobility as well as stability.

  • Spinal Alignment: Provides clues about spinal stability and core strength.

  • 3 planes of movement: We assess all 3 planes of movement so that you are stable but have the mobility you need. Posture and movement is a very complex task that requires many things to be in coordination.

This assessment provides a baseline to determine the specific interventions needed to correct imbalances and alleviate pain.


In conclusion, a detailed squat assessment is invaluable for diagnosing and managing low back pain in athletes. Chiropractors in Goshen, such as Avad, who utilize RockTape's movement screen are better equipped to understand the complexities of athlete biomechanics, leading to more effective treatments and faster recoveries. Athletes suffering from low back pain should consider consulting a chiropractor who specializes in movement assessments to ensure they receive the most comprehensive care possible. This proactive approach not only addresses the pain but also enhances overall athletic performance and well-being.

If you think this sounds like you then schedule an appointment with Dr. Kauffman using the link here and see how we may help you move better and feel better.