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Neuro emotional technique: what can it do for you?

Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) is a holistic approach to healing that combines principles of traditional Chinese medicine, chiropractic, and neuroscience. It was developed in the 1980s by Dr. Scott Walker, a chiropractor and acupuncturist, and it aims to identify and release unresolved emotional patterns that may be contributing to physical or emotional symptoms.

The basic idea behind NET is that emotions are stored in the body's muscles and organs and can cause physical and emotional imbalances if not addressed. These imbalances can manifest in a variety of ways, such as pain, anxiety, depression, digestive issues, and more.

NET involves a combination of muscle testing and specific protocols to identify and release these emotional patterns. Here's a closer look at the process:

Step 1: Muscle Testing

The first step in NET involves muscle testing. This is a non-invasive technique that involves applying pressure to a muscle group while the patient resists. This helps identify areas of stress or imbalance in the body.

Step 2: Identifying the Emotion

Once an area of stress has been identified through muscle testing, the practitioner will ask the patient to recall a specific event or emotion that may be related to the stress response. For example, if the stress response was located in the stomach area, the patient may be asked to recall a time when they felt intense fear or anxiety.

Step 3: Applying Pressure to Acupuncture Points

The practitioner will then apply pressure to specific acupuncture points while the patient focuses on the recalled emotion or event. This helps to release the emotional pattern that is stored in the body.

Step 4: Re-Testing

After the pressure has been applied to the acupuncture points, the practitioner will re-test the muscle group to see if the stress response has been released. If the muscle now tests strong, it indicates that the emotional pattern has been released.

Step 5: Integrating the Experience

The final step in NET involves integrating the experience. This may involve affirmations, visualization, or other techniques to help the patient move past the emotional pattern and prevent it from returning.

NET can be used to address a variety of physical and emotional symptoms, including:

Chronic pain

Anxiety and depression

Digestive issues

Allergies and sensitivities

Trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Phobias and fears

Relationship issues

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