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Why would foods cause inflammatory reactions? The problem with modern foods and what to do about it

Food is something we all need. Common sense stuff here. If we don’t eat then we eventually waste away. So why would eating some foods, even healthy foods, cause an inflammatory reaction? We will dive deeper into this question in this blog post.

If you think of an allergy which is your bodies reaction to a certain substance that it deems as unhealthy for you. The reaction to the substance is your bodies way of getting rid of the allergen. It is forming a response to that allergen. This is a good thing. However it does it to an extent that can be harmful. That is why those with food allergies need a epinephrine to calm down this reaction.

Intolerances are similar but a lot more subtle. When you ingest food or a substance that you are intolerant to then your body will form a reaction that is mostly inflammatory but on a very small scale. You might not notice any difference but on the cellular level it is causing dysfunction. When you do notice it it has been a long while that your body has been forming this inflammatory reaction.

The question that is raised then is why does our body react to foods? We shouldn’t react to foods right? If we need something why does our body react in a way that is harmful? The answer to that is that in our modern era we have many foods that are grown with genetic modifications and many chemicals that are used to extend shelf life and create a longer lasting food. This has been good because then food last longer and we can store them at home and use them at a later date. However with those modifications and chemicals it hurts our bodies.

When a food looks like a food but has modifications in it’s genetic makeup it can change how our bodies interpret those genetic changes. For example if a tomato that has genetic differences than food is ingested, certain people immune system will interpret that modification as something that is not a food. Thus causing an immune reaction. Every time that person ingests that particular makeup it will form an immune reaction. Typically we will see this as pain, fatigue, swelling in the joints or body, brain fog etc. When this happens we feel like crap and we wonder why.

This starts the cycle of multiple doctors visits with no answers because everything is as normal as can be on blood work and imaging.

This is a huge problem.

So we traded longer shelf life for an inflammatory reaction in our bodies. It has been attributed that inflammation is a cause for certain autoimmune diseases, blood cholesterol issues, strokes, heart attacks and even certain cancers.

So how do we fix it?

By ingesting real food, foods that are not tampered with and are grown ethically. We have lost the art of growing things in a natural environment. We take all measures to make the environment perfect for growing with chemicals and we get a product that is less food than it is chemicals. So we ingest them and wonder why our bodies are deteriorating.

The answer is simple but a hard thing to muster. We need real food as a start. Grown organically with no harsh pesticides and no genetically modifications to that plant.

If we intake the proper real foods that our bodies can recognize as real then we can intake the nutrients that our bodies need.

Not everyone wants a garden because it is hard work but if we all would start to plant real food with genetic modification, even one type of vegetable or fruit, then you can decrease the burden at least a little bit then work from there.

Let’s get back to nature and working with the land that we have instead of blasting it with chemicals and playing with it’s genetic makeup.

This I believe can be the start to a healthier world!