Avad Chiropractic & Wellness

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Can chiropractic fix a bulging disc?

Bulging discs can cause a lot of pain in your life. While not quite as serious as a full blown herniated disc it can cause the same intensity of pain and many of the same symptoms. A disc bulge is when the pressure has become to great for your disc to handle and the fluid bulges out. This cause the disc to hit the nerve thus causing pain.

The symptoms associated with a bulging disc are:

  • back pain

  • radiating pain into the leg

  • burning sensation in the back or leg

  • postural distortion

  • unable to walk due to pain

With many treatment options available, what is the best option? Surgery is the most often prescribed treatment but with surgery there are many risks and the surgery is about 50% successful.

Chiropractic has shown to be promising in that it corrects the structure and gets to the cause of your pain rather than treat the symptoms.

Traditional chiropractic adjustments however, might aggravate the condition. Flexion-Distraction therapy should be utilized. You can find more detailed discussion of that here.

Flexion-distraction therapy is a type of chiropractic adjustment that helps to decompress the spine where the disc bulge is at. This helps to decrease the pressure that is on the nerve. Your chiropractor will tell you how often you should be seen for this type of treatment. In my experience 6-10 visits of this therapy will help get pressure off the nerve and allow your body to heal the damage.

Along with these types of adjustments there are things nutritionally that you can do. Bromelain is a great enzyme that helps to eat away scar tissue that is forming around your disc and nerve. This will help your body to heal it more quickly and more efficiently.

By doing these things and maintaining your chiropractic adjustments you can fix a bulging disc with chiropractic care!