Avad Chiropractic & Wellness

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Pediatric Chiropractic: Why take your kid to the chiropractor?

This blog post is for those parents that might be on the fence if you should take your child to the chiropractor. We will discuss why you would want to take your child to the chiropractor and the safety of adjusting kids.

Chiropractic for kids is a safe and effective way to help kids be healthier and for their bodies to function better. Majority of parents who search for pediatric chiropractors are looking for ways to keep their kids healthy. Why would you want to take your child to a pediatric chiropractor is a good question.

Chiropractic has been shown to help kids with ear infections, colic, pain, and much more! How this works for ear infections is listed on another blog post which you can access here. It details the why behind getting adjusted for ear infections.

Another reason is colic babies. If you have ever watched a birth then you know it can be traumatic for a child. When they carry this tension with them all day from having the neck twisted and contorted, then they want to try and relieve that pain or discomfort. They cannot communicate like we do so they cry and fuss to have someone help them with that pain. If you have ever been in pain then you know you will do anything sometimes to get it to go away.

I have a couple kiddos as of writing this and the most common thing I adjust them for is increased immune function. Getting adjusted stimulates your bodies natural defense against invaders and helps to have a healthier immune response. What this means is that if they do get sick then they are better to handle that sickness. I adjust my kids once a week if not more to keep this in check. I am not saying you have to do that but every once in awhile having your child checked by a competent pediatric chiropractor will help to increase that function.

Is it safe? This is the biggest question I get when talking with parents about chiropractic for kids. The type of adjusting is very gentle and safe. In fact you can watch a video of me adjusting my kids and see for yourself. Check it out here. Whenever my kids come to the office they hop up on the table and fight for it! They love getting adjusted!

So in conclusion chiropractor is super effective for kids. Once the child gets used to being adjusted they will notice the benefits as well! It is gentle and safe as well. There is no twisting or popping. The results will speak for themselves when getting your child adjusted!