Avad Chiropractic & Wellness

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The dangers of EMF's

In our last blog post we talked about what EMF’s are. Now we are moving on to the dangers of EMF’s.

To recap EMF’s are electromagnetic frequencies. Anything that uses electrical technologies has the potential to emit EMF’s.

These technologies allow us to communicate and do things that years ago were a dream. They help our lives in so many ways. This technology is a good thing to an extent. However, there is a bad side to them that we must look at and deal with in order to feel well. With chronic exposure to these types of frequencies, things can go awry for some people.

Some of the signs and symptoms are very common such as headaches and fatigue. Yes, there are legit studies showing that certain frequencies disrupt DNA and can make the cell susceptible to generate cells indefinitely which is cancer. Uncontrolled cell growth that is. So let’s dive into some of the dangers, signs and symptoms of EMF’s.

Dangers exist pretty much everywhere if you are a living human being. It is not possible to completely shield yourself from harmful EMF’s in the environment due to the amount of technology we use on a daiy basis. The problem arises when our bodies cannot handle the bombardment of these many different frequencies and the exposure over time.

If you look into Quantum field theories they state that every part of matter vibrates at different frequencies. Some are very fast like gases in the air. Others are very slow such as rocks and metals. (They do vibrate but very slowly!) But what this means is that everything has a vibrational frequency. I like to call them natural resonances. For example when you pluck a guitar string it resonates to produce a specific sound. The cells in our bodies do the same thing to communicate what it needs. Imagine if you will, if a system of cells such as your kidneys or liver is vibrating at a unnatural resonance then it experiences dis-ease. This done for the long haul produces symptoms in your body. So by disrupting the natural resonances EMF’s can potentially cause symptoms in your body.

This stuff is so cool because science is discovering new things every year about how our cells work individually and collectively as a whole. Cell signaling is amazing. Disruptions to those signals are not.

So what are the dangers?

EMF’s have been documented to cause headaches, insomnia, mood disturbances, nervous system dysfunction, even changes in memory. Click here.

Headaches can be a huge problem. They can be debilitating. The research is unsure of why this happens but one thing is for sure it does and for some it is life changing. And not in a good way.

Insomnia is another very common and troubling symptom of chronic EMF exposure. Why is this such an important topic? If there is disruption to sleep and natural circadian rhythm then healing is delayed, stress hormones are messed up and more fatigue sets in. Our bodies utilize sleep to heal. When this is out of sync our bodies do not regulate stress well and we are prone to other diseases.

The stress hormones are huge in this. This topic is an entire discussion in and of itself. When our stress hormones are out of sync we can create problems in tissue integrity such as joints and ligaments as well as degradation of those tissues. Irritability and mood swings are likely a result as well due to the shift in the natural rise and fall of cortisol.

What all this means for you is not feeling well and you become susceptible to dysfunction in your organs as well as body tissues. This is a large reason for people seeking care in doctors offices. We want to rule out the more important issues first so seeking out a reputable holistic minded doctor is first. However, their is much correlation between EMF’s and disease.

If you would like to help protect yourself and your family from harmful EMF’s I recommend Aires Tech. It is one brand that I personally use. They have many studies showing the effectiveness of EMFprotection. Here is a link to purchase from their webiste. https://airestech.com/?rstr=20463 If you purchase through this link you get an extra 25% off your purchase! It is a win-win!

What I like to do is present you with information. You doing your own research is a must. Make an educated decision based on your own health concerns. You won’t regret looking into alternative ways to provide your body with health and wellness.

As always in good health!