Avad Chiropractic & Wellness

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5 Natural Remedies for Stress and Anxiety

Stress is becoming more common in today’s world with the fast paced lifestyle. No one is immune from the effects of living in that type of lifestyle. It will catch up. Stress has been shown to increase the risk for Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and other metabolic diseases. This should make you perk up and pay attention to the alarming rates of these diseases today. There are medications out there that help to calm and control stress and anxiety but they are short lived and the side effects are a list long.

More and more people are turning to natural treatments for stress and anxiety for good reason. There are many benefits to go with the natural option. Those being it works and there are hardly any side effects from the natural route.

Here are 5 ways to combat stress naturally.

  1. Theanine

This compound is found in high concentrations in green tea. If you don’t like green tea then getting it in supplement form is a good option. There are many supplements that have a combination of herbs and theanine. It can cross the blood-brain-barrier fairly good so you will notice the calming effects on the brain.

2. Exercise

Exercise has shown many times over that it is good for overall health and well-being. This includes in that a stress reducing and anxiety reducing effect. Getting plenty of exercise each day will help boost up your mood and make stress…well less stressful. A simple 30 minute walk everyday can boost your bodies natural stress reliever.

3. Full Spectrum Hemp Oil

With all the buzz surrounding CBD and Hemp oil there is a lot to filter out. The verdict is that this stuff works and works well. It works on the endocanninioid system. This system helps to regulate the bodies ability to keep things in balance. So it balances out all the systems of your body. It also has great anti-anxiety benefits. Getting the right dose and content is crucial. So make sure when you are trying out a product get it from a reputable chiropractor or physician.

4. Adrenal Supplements

Stress depletes your adrenal glands due to the adrenal glands main function to combat the chemical stress of the body. By using supplements targeted toward boosting up your adrenals then you can better handle stress and anxiety.

5. Lavendar

Using Lavendar essential oil either by diffusing or using it as a steam can greatly help with relaxing the stress away. It has been used for years for calming. It can also help you sleep better. The compounds work on the brain for a calming effect.

These used alone or in combination will help you to feel less stress and anxiety so that you can get back to living!