Why doing this one thing will help with your pain

Pain. We all have had it at some point. Hate it or love it it teaches us what damages our bodies. But what happens when it becomes a long term thing? We get so used to having it that it's always there. Does that cause damage as well? We will discover the one thing that will help with pain and how you can get do more of it. 

I'll start with a story. It is a story out of my life that I will share. I tore my ACL...twice. So had the surgery and afterwards they want you to put you leg on this device that moves it constantly, for 24 hours a day for a week, only resting it when you do your exercises. I mean you have this thing on you when you sleep so it's not the greatest  to be able to sleep. But why would they do something like that? One word. Movement. If you don't move the joint that was injured it becomes stuck and scar tissue forms and then you have more problems than when you started. 

The importance of movement especially joints that have been injured is crucial. Pain tells us to stop for good reason but movement that is controlled is actually a type of therapy. What does this have to do with health? Actually a lot. See when we experience pain we want to sit down and rest which is good for really acute pain. Like spraining your ankle you probably want to rest and ice it but once that period of rest and ice is over you gotta move it. Slowly walking getting the joint fluid to move around and drain is key. 

I see this everyday. Joints that are not properly moving cause pain and can lead to degeneration of the spine or other joints of the body. It is my job to free up joints and get them to move better so pain does not set in long term. I am so passionate about seeing people moving well and getting better because they get to experience life again the way that they used to know it. They get to play with their kids or play that sport with a little more ease. When we have people that are not in pain their mood improves which is a fantastic benefit to getting adjusted. The list goes on and on. 

So even after getting adjusted it is good to rest but taking a short walk of 5-10 minutes can help keep the joints free and moving correctly. This one thing of getting movement and not sitting down all the time will help to ease the pain you are experiencing. When you experience movement and what it is supposed to feel like you will get to enjoy life again!



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