Does your health seem to be out of control?

What does your health say about your life? Is it one of balance and peace, or does it seem to be everything might be falling a part? If you are like me you probably fall in between at certain points in your life. Even within the same day. But the word balance is a great word to summarize what health should be. Getting the right conditions in all aspects of life leads to balance. So if you have felt at some point that your health was out of control then have hope! There is a better way to achieve this!

If you are searching to what may have been good health and it turned sour then you are at the right place. In this day and age the health of people have seemed to decline but there are ways to be thriving again. Let's start with a little analogy. When you get a cut or a scrape what happens? It heals right? But how does it do that and how does it know to do it? Well for starters we were created with this amazing ability to heal if given the right conditions. When you get a cut your body does this automatically. It is process that our bodies were made to have. Some amazing things happen in order for this to happen. 

So how does this healing potential get hindered and we end up having all these symptoms that make up our life? It's almost as if something is blocking our bodies ability to correct itself. Ah that might be the answer. What is creating interference to our bodies ability to heal?

For one the food that we eat is a big hindrance to our bodies ability to create homeostasis. Which is nothing more than the body trying to create balance. If we are constantly eating processed and sugary foods and drinks our bodies have to work harder to get rid of it. If all it is doing is focusing on getting rid of bad things then it can't address the problems that these substances are creating in the first place. Don't get me wrong I love a good cinnamon role or pizza but again balance. Balance is key. Making sure you get the right nutrients to sustain life and keep your body in a healing state. The rates at which metabolic diseases keep increasing and a lot of it would be solved if we focused on the food we eat. 

Another reason we have this block of health in our lives is that of physical activity and movement. Sedentary lifestyles have become the norm nowadays and it is not good at all. It is compared to smoking every day. We all know what that does to your body. Getting activity in the form of exercise and movement is a must. We have legs to walk so walk! This is where chiropractic plays a big role in that we find where you are not functioning correctly, specifically the nerves and muscles. The nervous system controls all of our bodily functions including movement and this is probably one of the most important things to keep running efficiently. Get adjusted!

The last thing is our thoughts. It is said that our thoughts make up who we are. What we continually think about day in and day out is what we become. So if we are filling our minds with junk then that will be the output. It is so important to be around people who lift you up and encourage. It is all about love and service to others that help us in this life. So finding and being a loving presence to all you encounter helps to increase your bodies ability to heal. Imagine with me the days before a big test or meeting. All the nerves and preparation lead to a moment and then after that moment occurs what happens? We get sick. Some can relate. But it was all that nervous energy being thought over and over and it does have an impact on our bodies. So fill your mind with good stuff!

Health is a journey and so is healing. There are many limitations to this obviously enough but our bodies were given the blueprints to stay healthy. Use if the right way and you will have balance. 

I hope this answers some questions that you may have about why you might be experiencing health issues. It is not the whole picture but I practice this myself. It can be difficult but definitely worth living a healthy life and enjoying it! If you have any questions just shoot me a message on Facebook or on my website under contact. Thanks!


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