Avad Chiropractic & Wellness

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Shoulder Pain! UGH! Ways to help with that nagging shoulder pain.

Shoulders. Gotta love em! We take our most mobile joint for granted until…you can’t lift your hand over your head. I’ve been there. Trust me not fun. But why does it get this way and how can we keep it from getting to that point? This little blog is here to help with that problem. So keep reading!

As I said the shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in our body. Go ahead try it. Move it around. See if you can do all that with you low back. No? I thought so. So with this being the most mobile joint we have to keep it moving in order to pick up that drink in front of you, or do your hair.

One of the ways it gets stuck is what is called micro trauma that adds up over time. We slightly damage the shoulder and voila it heals but not the way it should have. Healthy movement after something is damaged is key. It allows the joint and tissues to heal properly. The important thing being “healing properly”. If that doesn’t happen then it continues to not work the way it should.

So what to do? Great question. Healthy movement! Okay I won’t leave you hanging on that one. Healthy movement is doing movement that makes the joint feel better. Usually you can find a movement that makes the joint not feel like it is on fire. So doing repetitions like moving your shoulder back behind your back over and over 10 times will help reduce the pain.

Sometimes it needs a little bit more tender loving care and that is where seeing a chiropractor or someone who can really dig into the muscles to find the culprit is good. It not only helps correct what is wrong but monitoring it for improvements is awesome as well.

Another way to decrease the pain is taking a supplement that has bromelain or turmeric in it. This helps tremendously to get the right type of healing and clear away all the bad stuff. It really is great stuff!

So those are a couple ways to help with that nagging pain in the shoulder. If you have more questions about shoulder pain then let me know in the comments! Ask away! Really I love answering questions!


Dr. K