Avad Chiropractic & Wellness

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Constantly Sick? Surefire way to nip it in the bud!

Being sick. Maybe you are imagining the thought of being sick or you are currently sick. Whatever the case we all get sick from time to time and for some it seems like they can never get over the sickness. While getting sick is in the dumps, getting out of the sickness can be easier.

Once we get sick our bodies do all they can to fight it off. Hence the fatigue and feeling of being unwell. Our bodies get drained literally of the resources in order to kick the bug out.

What is your go to when getting sick? It could be the Nyquil or Dayquil. It could be plain old tylenol. Whatever it is, it takes the edge off.

This type of meds will help with the pressure in the head or pain behind the eyes or just help you get to sleep so you’re not coughing all night but it doesn’t help to boost your system up.

What if I told you that there was a way to kick your immune system into gear to fight the bug off quicker? Would you do it? Well I have been experimenting (on myself of course) with things that can really put a boost to your immune system and get to feeling better.

That thing is…Garlic! For those of you that know me know that I talk about garlic a lot. And for good reason. I try to eat a raw (yes raw) clove of garlic a night. I don’t always accomplish this every night but at least I try, right?

Garlic has some potent properties to it that help with many different things and one of those is boosting immune function. I mean just smell the thing you know it has something in it that is special. Just one clove at night before bed when your sick and you will start to feel better in no time. Your body will love you for it. Maybe not your significant other but hey you will be healthier for it.

This might be controversial but I find it works for me. Give it a try!


Dr. K