Avad Chiropractic & Wellness

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On-Site Chiropractic's Role in Occupational Health

Over the past 10 months I have had the privilege to work with a manufacturing company to meet their needs in the healthcare realm. Chiropractic is a great service to provide a long with prevention of injuries and ergonomics into the workplace to better help the rising health care costs of musculoskeletal injuries. These types of injuries are most common in manufacturing, construction work as well as professions such as dental assistants and office workers. The growing need for companies to provide better health options is on the rise and I believe on-site chiropractic care can help with those needs.

It is not a one-size-fits-all type of healthcare as each company is in need of specific areas. But overall wellness can be achieved in workplaces and decreasing the amount of workplace injuries. One of the main goals of the program I am a part of is to prevent things from occurring and early treatment of those injuries. This means that the employees are getting to go home feeling better all while never leaving work.

I believe this a growing trend for companies who find themselves spending more and more on healthcare costs for their employees. The process for finding what the company is in need of can be long but like anything you want to measure you have to have a starting point. This gives the company something to go on as well as myself. Starting out by goal setting such as, “we want workplace injuries to decrease”, is a good place to start. It can be something like increasing the morale of the company as a whole. Whatever the goal it needs to be written out and how to attain it.

These types of programs can evolve as well. What was once a goal might change into something more specific of more broad so flexibility with this is key. Expertise in the field is a requirement as the needs of the company are diverse and require professional qualifications. A win-win-win strategy for all involved is at the heart of these programs and in the future this type of healthcare will be the model to go on.